Updated 12/22/04

Norma Robichek: December 24, 1925 - November 17, 2000

Norma was the glue that held the Robichek family together. She always saw the best in everyone and everything. Perhaps the perfect evidence of this was her reaction to every meal she cooked. As she tasted the first bite, her head would gently rock to the side as she said, "Mmmmmmm. This is the best <insert meal> ever!" And the wonderful thing was...she really felt that way!

Perhaps the greatest tribute to "mom" was that she raised Jane, Mark & Sue so well that they all turned out to be such responsible, dynamic and successful adults. Mom set such a great example for how to run a household.  And she was always there whenever her kids needed her.

Few people can honestly say that they have lived a complete life, but Norma was indeed one such person. She traveled to all 7 continents, had 3 terrific children, and had 3 wonderful, loving relationships.  Her kids could be quite jealous of these aspects of her life, but she raised them so well that jealously is not a part of their personalities.

“We love you, mom!” We have always loved you, and that love has not diminished in your absence.  The emotional strength you and dad helped instill in us will help carry us through the rest of our lives. Sue wrote a tribute poem to the life of Norma.